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World Water Week official Session (20 August 2023) In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the importance [...]
Originally posted on CTCN website (available here) Blog developed by the CTCN and Belynda Petrie, CEO, OneWorld, South Africa. [...]
OneWorld CEO Belynda Petrie, spoke at a virtual summit organised by 67CEOs Foundation, themed "Ensuring Environmental Sustainability and Economic Growth".
OneWorld is reflecting on outcomes and findings from our recently completed projects. This is the first in a series [...]
This website (linked above) was developed to share gender and climate awareness materials developed under the “Paris Agreement: Gender mainstreaming in NDC Enhancement in South Africa” project.
Policy can be informed by research and evidence, and then only if those who seek to promote evidence within the policy space act effectively, and perhaps more important, decisively.
OneWorld CEO Belynda Petrie was guest on a podcast hosted by Center for Values in International Development, alongside Dr. Gael Giraud, founding director of Georgetown University’s Environmental Justice Program.
“This is an emergency, so we need to make significant changes to the way we live and need to start paying for things previously we considered to be free.”
Please note that we value your privacy. Any personal information that you provide to us in your communications with [...]