Policy Brief: Hydropower in the Zambezi River basin at risk due to changing climate and increased irrigation
‘Climate Change and Upstream Development Impacts on New Hydropower Projects [...]
‘Climate Change and Upstream Development Impacts on New Hydropower Projects [...]
Conducted a study on the impacts of climate change on the province, and to conduct a feasibility assessment on a range of adaptations to climate change in the region
OneWorld, through the RCCP, co-facilitated the second, third and fourth Multi-stakeholder Dialogues (hosted by SADC Water Division). These were aimed at supporting climate resilience building in the SADC region, through water sector-related initiatives, which became a stated policy objective in the region.
5 year Programme aimed at enabling transboundary responses to climate change, with equitable access to finance in southern Africa
Support for the African Group of Negotiators (AGN), to strengthen Africa’s voice in the negotiations on climate finance, emission reduction targets and adaptation.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Africa [...]
The RCCP aims to contribute to the achievement of [...]
Climate change will affect food security in southern Africa [...]
This study firstly aims to provide an introduction to [...]
Urban centres in southern Africa (the 15 SADC countries in [...]