United States Agency for International Development
Options for Adaptations at Scale in the Limpopo River Basin: a conceptual assessment
The RESILIM Program of USAID Southern Africa seeks to [...]
United States Agency for International Development
The RESILIM Program of USAID Southern Africa seeks to [...]
This report presents the results of a desk review [...]
The Limpopo River Basin (LRB) is mostly semi-arid, with [...]
Enhancing transboundary water and biodiversity management within the constraints [...]
The Limpopo River Basin (LRB) faces multiple pressures which [...]
The Limpopo River Basin (LRB) is mostly semi-arid, with [...]
The impacts of climate change on the Limpopo River [...]
Lead on the climate change component of the program: development of a resilience knowledge platform and knowledge products: communication and policy briefs, power points, posters and banners; development of the Limpopo Investment Strategy for Resilience; In depth Risk and Vulnerability Assessment for the Limpopo Basin.