Minimising first-mover adaptation costs: Jamaica
Microfinance is a critical enabler of climate resilience, in [...]
Microfinance is a critical enabler of climate resilience, in [...]
Microfinance is a critical enabler of climate resilience, in [...]
See related project This case study focusses on the [...]
Water resources are greatly impacted by the effects of [...]
This is infographic was produced by the PPCR Learning [...]
PPCR Knowledge for Resilience Issue date: July 2018 Microfinance [...]
Development of chapter 5 for the 2016 ERA publication, “Alternative Policy Pathways for Africa”, included modelling/analysis of a Green Growth/Low-Emissions Development Scenario, development of report case studies, and formulation of policy recommendations.
Advisory role in the climate investment and GCF readiness capacity development platform coordinated by GIZ and advising African and Asian Government and Development Bank officials and private sector investors on developing bankable projects.
Comprehensive initiative to analyse 36 developing country case studies globally, including 15 in Africa (with two in each of South Africa and Kenya), of women-led enterprises in response to climate change.