Kenya Case Study
The Republic of Kenya is classified as a low-income [...]
The Republic of Kenya is classified as a low-income [...]
The UNDP-OneWorld climate finance readiness (CFR) in Eastern (Ethiopia, Kenya [...]
The UNDP-OneWorld climate finance readiness (CFR) project in Eastern [...]
With climate change impacts increasingly affecting cities, the C40 Cities [...]
To develop a green credit facility in order to scale up MSMEs’ access to climate finance and to promote green investments in relevant sectors of the economy through mobilising concessional and non-concessional resources to African SMEs and Youth led businesses
Project lead for Kenya and South Africa. Knowledge sharing platform between municipalities, advancing climate governance through strengthened vertical integration between the three spheres of government. The V-LED project is part of the International Climate Initiative (ICI).
In-depth climate finance readiness assessment, based on six African country case studies (Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia), and six international benchmark studies.