African Development Bank (AfDB): Water Development & Sanitation Department
To mitigate and adapt to climate change, it is essential to address Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystems (WEFE) as interconnected systems, identifying and aligning investments to address security across all four – A WEFE Nexus approach.
To support the rollout of the WEFE Nexus Initiative in Africa, OneWorld is supporting the AfDB to develop a WEFE nexus framework for Africa based on pilot studies in Egypt, Kenya, Senegal and Zambia. Developing a WEFE Nexus model and indices will result in identifying possible synergies and trade-offs across all four systems, for the consideration of decision-makers and prioritising water-centric investments.
OneWorld is conducting sectoral baseline assessments in the four countries, constructing interconnected indices for water, energy, food security, and ecosystem health. Our approach centres on a participatory analysis process (underpinned by a co-development approach) and a review of international WEFE Nexus best practices. The assessment will inform the WEFE Nexus-based scenario modelling, which will qualitatively and quantitatively map out possible scenarios and water availability cost curves for each country.
The resultant framework and scenario analysis will support policy and investment decisions for the Bank, and stakeholders, in the identification of optimal water, energy and food resource quantification and allocation processes. The analysis will evaluate potential water supply and demand deficits within an agreed time horizon, to quantify the impacts of supply and demand-side measures across the WEFE systems.
The research findings will support the development of a programme of interventions/support programme (10-year horizon), with a pipeline of prioritised WEFE Nexus projects, including institutional and governance arrangements, and a prioritisation framework. The project is stakeholder-driven, with participatory analysis applied throughout its life cycle.
Project Data