The African Union through the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) developed the Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilient Development in 2012, which provides guidance for African countries on the integration of water security and climate resilience into development planning and investment decision-making processes.

The 2012 Framework required an update in terms of incorporating/strengthening aspects related to gender equality, water security and climate resilience, and a gender transformative approach. Other changes/updates included those related to developments and commitments in the global and pan-African context since 2012, including the Paris Agreement, National Adaptation Plans and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), amongst others.

Ms Petrie, who was part of the initial Reference Group Experts, updated the 2012 Framework with regards to Climate Resilience Building in water investment in Africa and strengthened the focus on the growing climate change pressures that are affecting water security across the continent.

Project Data


Global Water Partnership (GWP)




November 2021 – December 2022
Methodology to support cities on measuring their safeguarding from flooding
Investigating the Efficacy and Impact of Sustainability Indicators in South African Cities