Funded by DFID and implemented by Oxford Policy Management (OPM)
OneWorld was contracted to research the principles and mechanisms that underpin disaster risk financing and develop a conceptual framework for aligning these with climate resilience financing. This research establishes the way forward toward implementing risk management principles into climate resilience and disaster risk financing. It explored context and entry points for a potential package of policy and evidence work on risk financing and climate resilience.
The work conducted entailed to study and research climate resilience and risk finance to support the UK’s position as Co-chair of the Resilience Pillar of the UN Climate Summit in September 2019, and as host of the COP26 in Glasgow in 2020, through the Centre for Global Disaster Protection funded by DFID.
OneWorld developed a conceptual framework on resilience and risk financing approaches, principles and mechanisms; and an assessment of best practices for climate resilience and risk management and finance to define gaps and misalignments and identify potential entry points for further implementation/ policy development.
We also led the facilitation of a workshop on bridging climate risk and climate resilience financing and supported the review of flagship report.
Finally, OneWorld developed ToRs for the Center to prepare and carry research and preparatory work for the COP26.
Project Data