A major barrier that Direct Access Entities (DAE) in Africa face in accessing the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is developing successful or ‘bankable’ project proposals.
With the aim of addressing this gap, OneWorld was contracted to build on previous and ongoing work by the GCF, the African Development Bank, the global community of practice of DAEs and other partners to develop a Training of Trainers programme on bankable project development for African beneficiaries.
The training targeted key staff of DAEs and local and regional consultants or NGOs providing support to African DAEs on GCF project development. The aim is to build a pool of expertise within Africa that African DAEs, the GCF, the Bank, and other readiness providers can draw on in supporting African institutions to scale up direct access to the GCF.
OneWorld initially planned to use a blended learning (online and face-to-face) approach to deliver the training. Delivery of the course took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, and travel and social distancing restrictions made face-to-face training impossible. The whole course was therefore delivered online, using the Cap-Net platform, which hosted the learning materials, end-of-module quizzes and assignments, as well as the final exam.
Of a total of 795 applicants, from across Africa, 104 participants were selected to enrol on the course. Of these 104 participants, 74 completed the course (71%) and of the 74, 63 qualified as trainers (85%).
View all materials on the Online Document Library: https://sites.google.com/view/gcf-training-course-library/home
Project Data