Adelphi (Project Lead) Nile Basin Initiative

The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) sought alignment between key policies and strategies to further the development and management of the Nile Basin. OneWorld was part of a core team that reviewed and revised the Basin’s Water, Environment, Sustainable Development and Energy and Infrastructure policies as well as the Wetland Strategy. As part of this process, OneWorld also developed the Basin’s Climate Change Strategy and integrated climate change across the aforementioned policies.

Provided training to NBI staff and Member State representatives on climate finance and its application in policy and strategy implementation. Of critical importance was considering the range of factors that are a reality in the NBI’s functionality; their mandate, their capacity, demands from Riparian States, overlap with Riparian activities, hydro-political issues prevalent in the Basin, existing national policies and strategies in riparian countries and implementation realities and institutional arrangements.


Nile Basin Initiative: Climate Change Strategy June 2013

Project Data


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


Nile Basin: Uganda and Ethiopia


January 2013 – August 2013
Climate Change & Livelihoods Assessment in Botswana & Mozambique
Namibian DesertRegional Climate Change Programme, Southern Africa