OneWorld carried out a mid-term review (MTR) of the SAP, which is a basin-wide policy framework for the sustainable development and management of the Cubango-Okavango Basin (CORB) over a 20-year period.
The MTR assessed progress towards key objectives since the implementation and approval of the SAP in 2011, made recommendations and identified action points for achieving the required outputs and outcomes for the next 10 years.
The review also tested the programme logframe and evaluated the relevance of indicators (applying OECD/DAC criteria) to inform the next phase. This included reviewing the performance of programme partners and developing a concept note to inform programming for the second 10-year phase.
OneWorld conducted a literature review and stakeholder mapping activities, as well as data collection and evaluation, including stakeholder consultation and participatory analysis, document review, progress and sustainability evaluation, appraisal of modes of delivery and programme partner performance. Additionally OneWorld drafted and finalised a concept note and final evaluation report.
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