PDCI is a global platform to facilitate, support and encourage private investment in climate change adaptation measures, energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The group developed three areas of intervention: public incentive schemes; regulatory frameworks and effective financial mechanisms.
In this forum, OneWorld’s CEO (Ms Petrie) played an advisory role in developing key policy instruments and other enabling climate finance measures, needed to trigger and increase private investments in low-emission and climate-resilient business in developing countries and emerging economies. She played a facilitative role in connecting decision-makers from the public sector with representatives from the financial sector, industry, consulting bodies and academia and a review role of the Dialogue outcomes framework and objectives. She is was participant and had a regular input role in international PDCI meetings on climate finance, policy, green procurement and entrepreneur approaches and the green economy.
During 2016, the PDCI worked on designing innovative prototype business models for renewable energy SMEs and related policy instruments and other solutions aimed at supporting increased financial flows for low-emission development, and towards unlocking private sector investments in climate resilience.
Project Data