In Tanzania, the impacts of climate change on food production and availability of freshwater are exacerbating existing levels of child mortality and malnutrition and negatively impacting on early childhood development. Children are especially vulnerable to climate change impacts, which range from direct physical impacts on safety and security (drought, flooding, extreme weather events), to knock-on impacts on education, health, food security and psychological wellbeing. Thus, understanding how climate change – as well as energy access and the environment – will affect children, and identifying opportunities for intervention, is critical for the development of climate resilience development programmes, plans and strategies.

OneWorld carried out an analysis of Tanzania’s climate, energy and environment (CEE) landscape to inform programming, the shape of the new Country Programme, as well as provide recommendations for influencing Government policies and planning, including the revision of the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).

The project involved an extensive analysis and evaluation of the climate financing and project landscape in Tanzania and the wider region, scoping for synergies and complementarities and opportunities for financing. This involved an extensive policy review and review of current UNICEF programmes and practices, an examination of the baseline situation of CEE-related issues affecting children and how they relate to UNICEF priorities and programmes. Participatory analysis with a range of stakeholders including government, donor partners and private sector underpinned the project.

OneWorld’s activities included a detailed desktop review of the policy and institutional arrangements, current UNICEF Programmes, the current  country programme and the CEE landscape in Tanzania, in order to understand the overall climate risk and vulnerability for children in Tanzania to inform the development of prioritised recommendations for the UNICEF Tanzania Country Office on its current country programme, and the design of the forthcoming country programme, and related interventions.

OneWorld carried out a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis; ground-truthing, stakeholder engagement and participatory analysis to validate/reform the draft Theory of Change model as well as identify and prioritise recommendations for the current and forthcoming country programme.

Project Data


United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)




April 2021 – April 2022
Lesotho highlandsStrengthening Lesotho’s National Designated Authority and Developing Strategic Frameworks
Workshop near Okavango deltaManagement of Adaptation Benefit Mechanism (ABM) Roster of Experts