Partners & Clients
OneWorld has been working with governments, multi-lateral agencies, development banks and regional economic communities for over 17 years.
These include the World Bank, DFID, the EU, GIZ, UNECA, UNDP, DANIDA, the African Development Bank (AfDB), the French Development Agency (AFD) and SIDA. In addition, OneWorld has worked with organisations such as the Southern African Development Community (SADC), ECOWAS, EAC, LIMCOM, OKACOM, ZAMCOM, NBI, and GWP. OneWorld has led, managed and delivered numerous large-scale programmes (for example the DFID-funded Regional Climate Change Programme, with a budget over five years of 8,5 million GBP); as well as numerous medium-sized projects.
We also regularly work with national governments, such as the Government of the Republic of Zambia (Ministry of National Development Planning), Flanders (Ministry for Foreign Affairs), Germany (the Ministries of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, and Economic Cooperation and Development) and South Africa (Ministries of Finance, Department of Environmental Affairs, International Cooperation, Local Government, Land Affairs and Municipalities).