The City of Johannesburg (CoJ) project titled, “Building a resilient and resource-efficient Johannesburg: Increased access to urban services and improved quality f life” (“the Project”), is part of the GEF-6 Integrated Sustainable Cities Programme (SCIAP) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The South African full-sized child project was approved for implementation by the GEF CEO in 2017. The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) collaborate on this project, acting as GEF Implementing Agencies whilst CoJ is the Executing Agency. In accordance with the GEF project cycle, the child project has reached the phase of mid-term evaluation (MTE). This Final MTE Report is submitted as Deliverable 4.1 of the project.
Thanks to the specialist consulting team who carried out the MidTerm Evaluation and delivered this MTE Report: Belynda Petrie (project lead), Dylan Beukes, Mike De Klerk, Lodewijk Nell, Simon Nicks, Dan Smit, and Amy Sullivan. Thank you to the DBSA team, Lesedi Letlhogile, Mookho Mathaba and Harold Mogale for the effective coordination needed for project delivery.
In addition, thank you to the members of the PMU, Component Leads, and UNEP team: Abigail Godsell, Liana Strydom, James Maluleke, Kholiwe Maziya, Vuthu Gavhi, Attie Ferreira, Dylan Weakley, Zamokuhle Zwane, and Julien Lheureux for working with the OneWorld team to deliver this MTE effectively
Petrie, B., Beukes, D., De Klerk, M., Nell, L., Nicks, S., Smit, D., and Sullivan, A. (2023) Mid-term Evaluation for the GEF-funded project for resilience and resource-efficiency in Johannesburg. OneWorld Sustainable Investments, Cape Town, South Africa