The Majeng land is situated about 100km north-west of Kimberley, in the Northern Cape Province. The Majeng community comprises approximately 800 families, many of whom are currently resident at Kgomotso, some 60 kilometers north of Majeng, in the North West Province. The community was forcibly evicted from Majeng over the period between 1962 and 1975 and were moved to Vaalboschoek and then to Kgomotso (Dept. of Land Affairs, 1997).
The Majeng land used to sustain about 2 000 people in the 1920s and the area had been settled forat least 200 years prior to that (Dept. of Land Affairs, 1997). The community had grown in increments particularly from around 1870. Agricultural development continued under a “betterment” scheme in the 1950s, when the Majeng irrigation scheme in the south western corner of the land was probably started.