The UNDP-OneWorld climate finance readiness (CFR) in Eastern (Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania) and Southern Africa (Lesotho, Mozambique and Zambia) to assess the CFR status and aspirations of these countries. The outcomes of this study strongly indicate that CFR progress (against all the indicators of readiness) will flow if four conditions are in place: if coordination is cross-cutting and politically mandated, if climate and development priorities are aligned with investor requirements, if the engagement of all key resources and stakeholders is incentivized and understood, and if climate finance expenditure is transparent within a fiscal system that stimulates domestic investment.

This study was conducted between October 2013 and November 2014. The fieldwork behind the study was concluded in July 2014, also the cut off date applied to the data referenced throughout the main report and the supplementary reports.

Citation: Petrie, B., Ellis, C. 2014. Policy Brief: Climate Finance Readiness in Eastern and Southern Africa. Cape Town: OneWorld Sustainable Investments

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