Climate Change is happening now and is one of the biggest challenges facing the international community. Even with the achievement of significant global
greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, there will still be changes to the global climate and to our climate here in the Western Cape.
This report provides a summary and overview of the main report: A climate change strategy and action plan for the Western Cape. The complete document can be found at:
Petrie, B., De Wit, M., Cumming,. J., Hewitson, B., Johnston, P., Ziervoge,G. Midgley, S., Midgley, G., Japp,D., Chapman, A. Theron, A., Forsyth, G., Fedorsky, C., Sreher, S., Morris, G., Smith, N., Ocran, M., Drummond, K., and Tsilik, P. (2008). A Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan for the Western Cape, South Africa: Responding to the Challenge of Climate Change and Sustainable Development in the Western Cape – Summary. Prepared for the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Western Cape, South Africa, by OneWorld Sustainable Investments. Available online: