Arthur Chapman is an  consultant in risk assessment including hydrology, water-related matters, climate change adaptation and impacts on agriculture, food security and energy production.  He is also concerned with the frequency and intensity of extreme events, disaster risk and undertaking vulnerability assessments and developing strategies for adaptation. He holds an M.Sc. in Hydrology and has 31 years of professional experience. He works on disaster risk evaluation, strategy and development concerning adaptations to climate change in southern Africa (SADC states) that relate to water resources, agricultural value chains, energy systems, livelihoods, human health and socio-economic vulnerability.

He also has consulted elsewhere internationally, in Uruguay, Uganda, Cameroon on risks to water resources. Additional skills include developing integrated resource assessments, systems thinking, scenario planning, numerical modelling and statistical analysis. He is an occasional reviewer for a number of scientific journals and is an author of 21 papers and/or book chapters, as well as 82 reports.