Dr. Jean Pierre Hakizimana has expertise in ecosystems management, agriculture, climate resilience, value-chain development for food security, rural livelihoods diversification, training and institutional capacity development. Dr. Hakizimana holds an MA in Social Sciences (Demography) and has completed a PhD in Economist Development. He is also a university lecturer in IWRM and Environmental Resources Management. He has worked with local and international NGOs as well as development cooperation agencies, nationally and sub-nationally, in agriculture, food security, water security and climate resilience programs, action–research and policy advocacy.

Jean Pierre has occupied various high-level positions in Rwanda, and acted as National Technical Adviser on Local Economic Development to the Ministry of Local Governance/MINALOC LODA.  He was the Rwanda Country Manager for the Global Water Partnership Eastern Africa, Water & Climate Development Programme (WACDEP) for AMCOW, in 8 pilot countries across Africa, to mainstream water security and climate resilience into national development processes. Regionally he has worked in climate resilience, integrated water resource management, agroforestry and food security. Jean is currently part of a Rwanda national assignment on WASH/menstrual management with Water Aid.