Rob Davies (GIS Expert, Risk and Vulnerability Mapping; Drought Modelling) is a specialist in spatial data management with over 20 years of experience in applying GIS analysis to the fields of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development both in Africa and now Europe. He is currently UK-based and started his own GIS consultancy, habitat INFO, in 2011 which he has taken from strength to strength securing work with large international organisations including USAID, The World Bank and DfID. As Founder and Director of Habitat INFO, Dr Davies has worked on various projects related to the mapping of risk and vulnerability (R&V) hotspots in Africa, particularly in Southern and Eastern Africa, where climate change and population growth are expected to increase pressure on both the human and natural environments.

Habitat INFO’s highly recognised environmental risk and vulnerability analysis is utilised to identify where populations are expected to be most vulnerable to climate changes; notably in the areas of food security, water shortages, disasters, and associated health problems. He has extensive experience of the drylands of southern Africa and conducted the analysis for climate vulnerability mapping across the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region (RCCP; DfID) which led on to focused analysis of the Zambezi (CKDN) and then the Limpopo (RESILIM; USAID) basins.

Dr Davies has worked across the Horn of Africa to develop a baseline data catalogue and pilot investment impact model for the region. This work involved developing seasonal forecast models and drought models for estimating livestock mortality as well as developing a spatial tool for identifying areas where investments is necessary for both generic shocks and droughts. He has also assisted the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC), Conservation International and the Peace Parks Foundation with spatial data management for protected areas in southern Africa and continues to compile new Africa-wide spatial datasets needed for achieving conservation and sustainability, in the face of expected population-change and climate-change.